Monday, February 17, 2014


This blog is about POETS and POETRY. It is primarily for new and/or beginning poets. By BEGINNING, I mean those of us who are going through the early stages of finding our poetic writing voice. However, LET'S TALK POETRY will also be useful for established poets, those of us who are looking for new ideas and new ways from which to approach our craft. In other words, it's for everybody. So join in the fun  of  being  part of creating a dynamic new poetry writing community.  Comments and suggestions based on your knowledge and experience are strongly encouraged. Just send an email using the "CONTACT FORM." You are under no obligation whatsoever.

On the posts that follow, I am sure you will find something helpful for whatever level you are on; it might be a quote, a writing prompt, a tip, or a bright idea. Remember, this blog is all about helping you develop as a poet. Welcome to LET'S TALK POETRY, where the love of poetry is waiting for you.

1 comment:

  1. Please feel free to comment directly on the blog or contact me by email.
