February Poetry Events
These poetry workshops give special focus to the relationship between reading and writing poetry. Open to all levels, six-week courses are offered on a wide variety of topics. Register early – first come, first served; Fee:$325
Brainlingo: Writing the Voice of the Body with Edwin Torres 6 Wednesdays, February 18 to March 25, 6:00-8:30pm
 Edwin Torres
We create our own communication. How we listen affects how we speak. How we see our language affects how our voice is heard. Where the senses meet each other is where poetry can begin. Is it possible to allow the body its place in writing? Using exercises of space, sound, performance, theater, collage, and page as a guide, this workshop will be a creative laboratory that explores how we communicate by exercising the languages inside us. Over six weeks, work will be created, discarded, and renewed in an active writing workshop where movement ignites the process.
Click here to register
Poems from Late Empire with Scott Hightower 6 Thursdays, February 19 to March 26, 6:00-8:30pm
 Scott Hightower
This is a workshop about writing poems from the post September 11th, post Madrid train bombing, post Charlie Hebdo world. The Muse and the Banshee are both welcomed. We will be looking at both historical and contemporary poems—like those of Andy Young, Cynthia Hogue, Gregory Pardlo, Peter Covino, and Steve Fellner—and considering notions of Gaston Bachelard's "The Poetics of Space" and the poem as a place for the imagination to dwell.
Click here to register
A Pattern of Behavior: Serial Poems with Krystal Languell 6 Saturdays, February 21 to April 4 (skipping March 14), 11:30am-2:00pm
 Krystal Languell
How can we create momentum across a series of poems while holding onto the original big idea? A linked sequence creates its own terms for existence, and those terms may be formal, rhetorical, metrical, emotional, or a combination—or something else! This workshop will engage in exercises designed to develop and sustain a serial poem. Possible course texts include readings from Alice Notley, Dawn Lundy Martin, Roland Barthes, and Rickey Laurentiis. Students will emerge from this workshop with a draft of a six-poem sequence.
Click here to register
The Red Balloon
Saturday February 14, 11:00am Floating Valentines: A Screening of The Red Balloon
In celebration of Valentine’s Day, Poets House presents Albert Lamorisse’s timeless children’s film classic The Red Balloon. Afterward, children will make their own floating valentines in the form of hot-air balloon mobiles. Location: Poets House, 10 River Terrace Admission: Suggested donation $5
John Berryman (1914-1972)
Thursday February 26, 3:00-8:15pm John Berryman at 100: A Day-long celebration at Columbia University
Distinguished contemporary poets and scholars including April Bernard, Henri Cole, Cornelius Eady, Rachel Hadas, Saskia Hamilton, Cathy Park Hong, A. Van Jordan, Robin Coste Lewis, Edward Mendelson, Patrick Rosal, Evie Shockley, Daniel Swift, Kevin Young, and Rachel Zucker will commemorate John Berryman's life and work in a day-long celebration featuring afternoon panels and an evening reading, in honor of the poet's centenary. Click here for full schedule and more details Location: Barnard Hall, Barnard College, Columbia University (Barnard Hall is located just inside Barnard College's 117th Street and Broadway entrance)
Admission: FreeCosponsored by The Poetry Society of America; School of the Arts, Columbia University; Barnard Women Poets; Heyman Center for the Humanities; and Poets House
For more information call (212)431-7920 or visit www.poetshouse.org. Join us onFacebook and Twitter. |
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