Amherst is in full bloom. Enjoy the season with the annual Emily Dickinson Poetry Walk!
Join us this Saturday, May 16, at 1 pm to mark the anniversary of Emily Dickinson's death (on May 15, 1886) with readings of her poetry at historic sites throughout downtown Amherst. The event is free and open to the public.
The Walk will begin at 1 pm in the Homestead garden and proceed through Amherst, stopping at sites significant in Dickinson's life and concluding at the poet's grave in West Cemetery. At the cemetery, participants are invited to join in the traditional light-hearted toast to the poet and to read a favorite Dickinson poem. The walk will take about one hour.
This year's selection of poems will be read by volunteers from the audience. Anyone who would like to read one of the poems should arrive at the Homestead at 12:45 pm to receive an assignment; poems will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis.
Wheelchair accessible parking is available at the Homestead; all other vehicles are asked to park on the street or in the Amherst College lot on Spring Street. For more information about accessibility, call 413-542-2034 or email edmprograms@EmilyDickinsonMuseum.org.
Visit the Emily Dickinson Museum
The Emily Dickinson Museum: The Homestead and The Evergreens, opens for 2015 on Wednesday, March 4. Museum hours are 11 am to 4 pm, Wednesday through Sunday. Find out more about visiting here. The Emily Dickinson Museum is dedicated to educating diverse audiences about the poet's life, family, creative work, times, and enduring relevance, and to preserving and interpreting the Homestead and The Evergreens as historical resources for public and academic enrichment.
The Emily Dickinson Museum is owned by the Trustees of Amherst College and overseen by a separate Board of Governors. The Museum is responsible for raising its own operating and capital funds.
The Emily Dickinson Museum is a member of Museums10, a collaboration of ten museums linked to the Five Colleges in the Pioneer Valley--Amherst, Hampshire, Mount Holyoke, and Smith Colleges, and the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
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