Tuesday, July 7, 6:30pm
Santa Monica, CA
Mahogany Browne, Brynn Saito, and Richard Siken
As part of the Beach=Culture series, the PSA presents a reading and moderated discussion with an eclectic mix of acclaimed contemporary poets.
Co-sponsored by American Composers Forum, Los Angeles, The City of Santa Monica, and Red Hen Press.
Admission is free. Please make reservations online at or call (310) 458-2257.
Annenberg Community Beach House
415 Pacific Coast Highway

Thursday, July 9, 7:00pm
Chicago, ILA CELEBRATION OF INTERNATIONAL POETRY:NEW GENERATION AFRICAN POETSAmy Lukau, Tsitsi JaJi, Ladan Osman, Viola Allo, and Warsan ShireThe PSA continues its 2015 national series, A Celebration of International Poetry, at the Poetry Foundation in Chicago.
In this third installment, we will celebrate several emerging poets from Africa, Amy Lukau, Tsitsi Jaji, Ladan Osman, Viola Allo, and Warsan Shire, whose work has been recently published in the New Generation African Poets chapbook series, a publishing intiative of the African Poetry Book Fund. Co-editors Chris Abani and Kwame Dawes, along with APBF Editorial Board MemberMatthew Shenoda, will discuss the project and introduce the emerging poets, who will then read from their work.
Co-sponsored by the Poetry Foundation.Poetry Foundation
61 W Superior St
Chicago, IL

Thursday, July 9, 7:00pmSan Francisco, CA
Eliza GriswoldThe Poetry Society of America continues its 2015 series, A Celebration of International Poetry, in collaboration with the American Bookbinders Museum in San Francisco.
This installment features poet, journalist, and translator Eliza Griswold who will read from and discuss her book I Am the Beggar of the World: Landays from Contemporary Afghanistan. The event will feature readings of the original landays, as well as Griswold's translations, followed by a conversation with the translator about the significance of landays in contemporary Afghanistan, as literary objects and political tools of resistance, and a discussion, as well, about the challenges of poetry in translation and of bringing international poetry to American audiences.
Co-presented by the American Bookbinders Museum.
American Bookbinders Museum
355 Clementina St
San Francisco, CA
355 Clementina St
San Francisco, CA

with Abdul Ali, Patricia Smith, and Caroline Randall WilliamsAbdul Ali is the author of Trouble Sleeping (Winner of the 2014 New Issues Poetry Prize).
Patricia Smith of numerous collections of poetry, most recently Shoulda Been Jimi Savannah, which was awarded the Bobbitt National Prize for Poetry from the Library of Congress.
Caroline Randall Williams is the author of Lucy Negro Redux (Ampersand Books, 2015).
Co-sponsored by the Bryant Park Reading Room.1065 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY
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