Don't miss your chance to apply for the John E. Nance Writer-in-Residence Program
for Fall 2015!
The John E. Nance Writer-in-Residence at Thurber House was begun in 2012 by Sally Crane, in honor of her late husband, John E. Nance, a critically acclaimed photojournalist. As Associated Press Bureau Chief in the Philippines, Nance wrote The Gentle Tasadayabout a primitive tribe in the Philippines as well as Lobo of the Tasaday, a Horn Book Award Honor Book. Nance was a Thurber House writer-in-residence twice, in 1995 and 1998.
The John E. Nance Writer-in-Residence program is an annual residency of four weeks housed in a two-bedroom apartment in the family home of author and New Yorker cartoonist, James Thurber, and is designed to provide a writer with the gift of time to develop a work in progress.
Each year, the residency focuses on different genres. For 2015, the work may be fiction, or creative non-fiction including memoir.
The new deadline for submissions is August 1, 2015. The residency will take place in September - October of 2015. The resident will receive a stipend, and will be available for at least three community outreach opportunities, such as readings and teaching writing classes offered by Thurber House.
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